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Behavioural risk characterization for emerging zoonotic disease threats in high-risk communities | Profil du risque comportemental pour les nouvelles menaces zoonotiques dans les communautés à risque

Mulembakani P1, Jean de Dieu Kamenga², Tshimanga Erby Obel, Saleh3, Okitolonda E3, Karen Saylors1, Ashley Lucas1, Makuwa M1, Muyembe JJT4

1 Metabiota, DRC

2 5th Direction, Ministry of Health

3 Kinshasa School of Public Health

4 Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale


Introduction. Building on surveillance activities to date, the PREDICT-2 project is focusing surveillance in locations where environments and market systems are changing in ways that are conductive to the spillover of viruses from wild and/or domestic animals to people. From August 2015 to May 2016, the PREDICT-2 team conducted a Pilot behavioural study on selected sites according to ecological and epidemiological conditions associated with a high risk for zoonotic disease emergence.

Objective. To conduct ethnographic interviews and focus group discussions and to analyze the data obtained in order to prepare for more in-depth behavioural risk characterization surveillance activities and prepare mitigation solutions for spill over of zoonotic pathogensfrom animals to humans.

Methods. This Pilot study was conducted in three provinces: Kinshasa Sanctuary Lola ya Bonobo and Kinshasa Markets (Central, Liberte, Cinquantenaire, Makazu, Ndolo and Bumbu), Kongo Central Province (Kinzau-Mvuete, Lukula, Mangala and Inga), Mai-Ndombe Province (Inongo and Ngon’Iyembe). A total of 169 persons were interviewed, including 100 ethnographic interviews and 9 Focus group discussions. The interviews were conducted in local language (Lingala) and audio-recorded, then transcripted in French for analysis. The analysis was performed using Dedoose™ Program V6.1.18 (2015).

Results and conclusion. The experience and the preliminary results of the Pilot study will help us improve surveillance of circulatng pathogens within the human population in close contact with wild and/or domestic animals and better understand the importance of human behaviours and practices which could increase the risk of spillover of zoonotic viruses

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